Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Air Popcorn Popper

I came across this picture in my internet browsing and I immediately thought of an unfortunate experience I had with one when I was young.
We used to air pop our popcorn all of the time in one of these sweet babies. I liked to watch the kernels expand into the fluffiness, so to get the best view I was sitting on the counter looking into the machine. For some reason I was sitting there in my underwear....anyway, a rogue kernel popped out of the thing and went into my underwear! It was red hot and horrible! I survived and I learned to get over the experience, and still eat popcorn.


Emily N said...

Dude. That is wicked funny- I love it. I hope you don't have any similar incidents in the near future,

Becky said...

Teaches you not to be hanging out in your underwear! Thanks for sharing.