Saturday, January 2, 2010

Charleston, SC – Magnolia Plantation

On Sunday (July 12th) we decided it would be nice to check out some plantations. We started at Magnolia Plantation.
Here is the bog.
We started touring the gardens. Here is Joe sporting his new outfit.
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The gardens were huge, so you check out more pictures in the Picasa album.

Shared Charleston
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There were a ridiculous number of banana spiders in the gardens, and they were everywhere! You definitely needed to watch where you were walking. Here Joe is sending one to twitter.
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Here is the actual plantation house. We decided to not tour the house, it was a little pricey, and we were going to Drayton house.
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From here we drove a couple miles down the road to the Drayton house. You can see all about that in the next post.

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