Thursday, June 12, 2008

First day working

There we are, just after working our first Saturday afternoon at the temple.
We got to the temple a little before 11 to be set apart by the temple president. From there we were briefed about how the day would proceed and went to work. It was really interesting to see how the temple runs from behind the scenes. Joe and I have been patrons at the temple less than 10 times combined, so we still have a lot to learn, but I think this will be the best opportunity for learning. If you want more details you'll have to ask me or Joe in person. We were done a little before 5 and I was starving! We didn't know how to work in a lunch break, so we'll have to work on that next time. We'll be serving every first and third Saturday 11-5.
I'm excited for our testimonies to be strengthened, as well as our eternal relationship.


Becky said...

How cool is that? I'll bet your mom is bursting with joy over that last comment. We moms are like that.

Emily N said...

This sounds like such an amazing opportunity. I can't wait to talk to you in person about it.

Katie said...

I am so impressed you are doing that. It is such a sacrifice, I don't know if I could do it. I'm glad it went well.