Saturday, January 2, 2010

Charleston, SC

We went back to the hotel for a nap, we were tired from the heat and humidity, plus why stress ourselves, we are on vacation!
After the nap we went back into the city for dinner and do some more walking around in the nice evening. When we got off the freeway we passed some awesome dilapidated homes. The cat obviously likes this house.
Here are some more homes that we enjoyed.
P1030575 P1030576 
Here is Battery Park
P1030582 P1030577 P1030578 P1030579P1030585P1030587P1030588
Here is a statue for William Moultrie
 P1030580 P1030581
These homes were right across the street from the park, prime real estate really.
 P1030583 P1030584  P1030586   P1030589 P1030590 P1030591 P1030592 P1030593 P1030594 P1030595
I’ll continue our tour of Church Street in another post.

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