Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twitter is to IM as Blog is to Email

Listen: I once read an article from an economist stating that emails were wasted keystrokes. This was at the beginning the Blog era. At the time it was common to receive form emails sent out to numerous people, or party invites forwarded from friend to friend. The argument was that sending individual emails was a waste of time and energy. If you had something going on in your life then you could post it to a Weblog and move on.

Emailing is all well and good. If you want to send a private message or question, email's a fine option.

I like chatting. It's good to know if I want a more immediate response to a question I can pull up the chatter and if my contact is online I can ask it. In the past, programs like AIM had an option to invite multiple people to chat. MSN had a similar feature. This was fun for collaborating on certain things, just like a conference call on a cell phone.

Enter Twitter and micro-blogging. There are other options out there, I'm not familiar with them though. Twitter is based on similar ideas of text messaging, you can only post 140 characters at a time, it's meant for small messages. Now that most of my friends and I are following each other's feeds it's a Permachat Blogette.

It's awesome to check the feed in the morning and see what everyone was doing last night, it's awesome to read complaints as the day goes on. Have something funny to say? A new word you just coined?

Permachat blogette!

You're invited to sign up at and add us,



You can tweet and receive on your cellphone, email, direct, or side programs like Twhirl. Get with it!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

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