Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Stipulation: If you read the below, keep in mind that I am not judging or criticizing anyone's choices, I am simply stating my opinion and experiences. I love everyone, even if they completely disagree with me.

So during my days at work, I can sometimes (almost always) be found looking at stories on the internet. I usually start at CNN and work my way around the circuit of various headlines/blogs/twittering/flickr, etc.
Sometimes there are stories and things I send to Joe or my dad and say "This is interesting" and move on. But this one caught my eye as something I could blog about (I've been wanting to blog about something) mostly because I am irritated with it. From this article I get the feeling that marriage is a bad word. I don't think that divorce is or isn't the answer, but I do think a lot of people enter marriage for a lot of wrong reasons and don't realize what it means to be married. Marriage does indeed take work, it can be really hard some days and really easy other days, but I do think that if someone constantly has the "out" of divorce in the back of their mind, what would make them work hard at keeping their marriage together? Like in High School, knowing that I needed a C to pass, why would I put myself through the trouble of getting the A (or any other similar metaphor).
Marriage is a commitment, for the LDS peeps, for time AND all eternity. Shouldn't people want to marry someone that they could work hard with and love a lot?
So all those wrong reasons that people get married for? I'm not going to list all of those reasons, but I will say that marriage is important and that it's importance will never go away, even though the lady in the article thinks it will.....
I think the excuse of "I'd be happier if I were married to so-and-so instead of my current spouse" is a bad one. I was talking to Stacy about this, and I've thought about it before: There were other guys I could have married, and plenty of them I could have had a just fine marriage with, however, it would have been different and probably not as fun as it is being married to Joe. My point is, regardless of who you marry or divorce and then marry, you will always have problems and issues, and things that bug you; there's no "perfect" marriage, because as we all know, we can never be perfect while on this earth, but we can try to be perfect and we can try to have a perfect marriage. When we are trying to make our spouse happy vs. just making ourselves happy, perhaps then we will see that our marriage can survive and that we can continue to work things out. I know I need to work harder for Joe.
Marriage also involves a lot of sacrifice, and I know Joe and I have both sacrificed, in our different ways. And instead of dwelling on those sacrifices and wishing that maybe I hadn't given this or that up, I have to focus on why I chose to sacrifice those things, like my career for a family; sometimes it comes down to what is more important to me, and then also, what is more important to our marriage and our future.
So to those who are thinking about getting married or getting really close to being married (Ian & Tykena), just know what you are getting into. Marriage is awesome, but marriage also means hard work, sacrifice, struggle, hurt, pain, disappointment, broke($).....etc, etc; you can't have the ups without the downs, or the rainbows without the rain :)
Ultimately, I want everyone to have a happy marriage, I love my happy marriage, but I also want everyone to know that being married does not automatically equal happy marriage.
Soapbox over.....for now.


Becky said...

The interesting thing is that she never mentions that she is going to get a divorce. I was talking to Heidi the other day and she has been making phone calls in CA about the marriage ammendment. She says that people aren't for/against marriage - hetero or homo - they just don't care. Marriage is a non-issure to them. How scarey is that!

Katie said...

I love that you blogged about this. When I was engaged people were so excited for me and would ask to see the ring, ask how he proposed, ask where we were going on out honeymoon, and ask where we would be living. No one took me aside and said, "Now you know that being married is REALLY REALLY hard and is not just happily ever after when the wedding day is over, right?" And I sure wish someone would have. Because we had a really hard time and first, and almost gave up, which I am glad we didn't. But it would have been reassuring to think that it was normal to struggle, I ended up thinking that if it was this hard it must have been wrong to marry Sam. That wasn't the case, I'm glad we stuck with it, and I know it will continue to be hard at times but if we both commit to making it work, we will both be happy. BTW, you and Joe make being married look so easy and fun, it is nice to know that there are some struggles for you that make you like most of the rest of us.

Mrs. Grigg said...

Becky, I emailed you, and it's definitely scary.

Katie, I'm glad you and Sam stuck it out, I know you guys have struggled, but I have seen huge changes in both of you and I think you are both doing great! Joe and I have been lucky, we haven't had a lot of issues, but we definitely have had some struggles :)

Becky said...

Marriage is definately not always anyone who has been married for a while can attest to. But it is worth it!