Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Six Flags

Joe and I skipped out on work on Friday (August 1st) and went to Six Flags. We had been wanting to go, and since they have been running a discount on tickets, we decided it was time. It was a hot, humid day, but that's not unusual for summer in Georgia. It was fun, but it wasn't quite as awesome as Magic Mountain in LA. Goliath, the newest ride for the park, was definitely the best, it was scary and actually felt like it was pretty long, we rode it twice.
There were plenty of awesome people to look at too. Lots of rednecks along with teenages that thought they were the best ever. There were also plenty of scantily clad girls who should not have been so scantily clad.

Parking was a ridiculous $15, but what can you do. We were lucky to get out of the park without buying any food and only drinking two 20 oz. cokes for the ridiculous price of $3.50 each. It probably wasn't a good idea to skimp on drinking though, especially on water, because I ended up getting what seemed to be like heat exhaustion. It was pretty bad for the ride home, I almost vomited when Joe asked me to get a sandwich out of the cooler....I survived after taking a long nap and drinking a bunch of water when we were home.
These handing pots are for mom, she might get jelous though.
We don't feel the need to go back to Six Flags for awhile, especially since we are going to awesome Disney World and Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure in October! Yes!

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