Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Christmas in Utah (the crafting part)

Joe and I had my brother Chris and his family and Katie and her family for Christmas. I really wanted to do something crafty, but something that the kids might be interested in too. So I found this in my blog prowl: Family Yahtzee! It's so cute! Even if the kids aren't into it, at least it looks cute :)
It actually took a really long time to make, well longer than I anticipated anyway. We originally were going to have Home Depot/Lowes cut up a piece of wood for us, but they didn't have exactly the size we were after, but we thought we would try a smaller piece just to see. Well that was a terrible idea. The guy that was trying to help us out started using the huge electric saw thing they have, and it was scary! The saw kept kicking around the piece of wood. So eventually the guy decided he would manually cut us some squares, well all of the saws they have out for people to cut their wood with are not sharp and really are meant just to cut once or something. Anyway, it was painful watching him struggle to cut us squares, so I told Joe to tell him that he had cut enough for us and we would cut the rest! In the end we just bought the blocks at Michaels, but I had to go to several Michaels to find enough blocks! It was like the world was against me, or everyone was doing Family Yahtzee as their Christmas gift :)
Joe and I made these together which was awesome. We set up a card table in our living room and had various movies playing in the background while we painted, mod podged, and created our gifts.
It was totally worth all the hard work, I'm really proud of our accomplishment. It was fun to create these with Joe, he's really good at helping me, but it was especially fun to have him be involved from start to finish with this one. He was of course the biggest help with the images, but he's a great cutter too, which I'm terrible at. We used plain chipboard boxes from Michaels as well as the two inch blocks. We then painted it all the same off white color. Once that dried we put the colored paper on with mod podge, then the picture over that with mod podge. The pictures smeared a little, and now I know you need to spray pictures with a setting spray before you try to brush them with mod podge. We did the same for the boxes, we put the paper on with mod podge, and basically just covered the whole box with mod podge to help seal it all up. We printed the "Family Yahtzee" logo just from our print directly on the scrapbook paper. We even printed out copies of the score cards and instructions!
Now we need to figure out what to do for our 2010 gifts!


Unknown said...

I am so impressed. Wish I could do that. Maybe you need to sell these!

Katie said...

It is so cute!! I love it!! I have showed it to so many people, bragging about my cute and creative sister-in-law.