Monday, July 28, 2008

reading together

I'll have you all know, Joe and I are going to continue reading together, even after the Twilight series. We have already started actually. We picked up The Outsiders on Saturday. I was surprised to find out that Joe hasn't read it or seen the movie; and seriously the movie with an all star cast , how can you go wrong? I didn't realize how many names were involved, I did remember Swayze and the Karate Kid....
But reading together is awesome. I think what makes it great is that we can discuss what we are reading as we go. It's been fun, and I think very much worth while. I highly recommend it.


GuiGuru said...

I can't believe Joe hasn't read or seen the Outsiders! I'm a failure.

Libbyella said...

Nate and I read together, too. I also love it. We've been taking turns picking books--last time we read Pride and Prejudice and now we're reading Quicksilver. The one who picks the book reads it out loud. It's pretty fun to read each other bed-time stories.

Bliss & Gary said...

Reading to each other sounds fun. Gary and I will have to try it. You are an excellent blogger Emily! Keep up the good work, it is fun to be able to catch up with what you and Joe are doing! (Cute haircut, by the way)