Monday, July 14, 2008

All right, I have to admit, I enjoyed Twilight. I originally wasn't going to read it, and I was only maybe going to see the movie, but I wasn't interested in a lame vampire love story. I completely blame Joe actually. The other day he said that he was going to buy some books from Amazon and thought that we should also get Twilight. He thought we should see what it was like since so many people were getting into it. I wasn't completely sold then, but I liked the idea that he said he would read it to me at night. So it happened. Twilight arrived and we started the nighttime readings. It didn't take long until I was into it.
We finished the book last night. All weekend we read to each other; while waiting for his car's oil change, while he was installing the ceiling fan, while I made dinner Sunday, and instead of watching TV Sunday night, we read until late, finishing it.
I will say, there are a few things that I was irritated by in the book, mom and I have talked about how annoying Bella can be, but then we have to think about being 17 and in high school.
Joe and I have been talking about how our emotions (mostly mine) were so affected by the story. I could feel the tension between Edward and Bella (and you know what kind of tension I'm talking about), and then the stress of the whole James character and the issues he brought. So I have to give Stephanie Meyer props for getting me involved with the characters.
We will probably start the next book tonight.


Katie said...

I love that you two read it together. I read all 3 in a month, last October, but Sam was not into it so I'd just tell him about it. My dad just listened to all 3 on cd in his car while driving to and from work cause he wanted to know what the big deal was.

Mrs. Fowden said...

I felt the same as you, I wasn't going to read them, but I received Twilight as a gift from one of my student's parent, so I figured I should give it a try. Once I started the books were like crack - I had to have more. I read all three in three days. Luckily I had just had surgery so I had the time to just sit and read. I'm a nerd and can't wait for the fourth book to come out.