Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight

Joe and I saw The Dark Knight on Friday night with some friends. I was super excited about seeing it, ever since I saw the above poster I thought to myself how awesome and scary it was going to be. I totally loved the first new batman with Christian Bale, not just because he's totally hot, but also because I like this new dark nature of batman that they have going on. This movie did not disappoint in awesomeness, however, I was still bugged by they voice they have chosen for Christian to use while he's batman. It's a growling, cotton mouth voice, that sounds like he's going to spit up a lot of saliva when he's trying to sound mean. It's a bit distracting for me, but not enough distracting that I didn't still really like the movie.
And Heath, I was in love with Heath from "10 Things I Hate About You", which is a silly chick flick, but he was totally hot in it. His performance as the Joker was great, I really wish that his life had turned out differently because I would have liked to see where he was going from here with his career, I'm sure a lot of awesomeness could have ensued. Similar to Leonard DiCaprio's career, since The Departed. But alas, Heath is gone, but his performance was truly a dark way.

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