3 Joys...
1. My husband! He's the best. It's fantastic to always want to be around him, and to know he feels the same about me. We are best friends and perfect as husband and wife.
2. My life. Things are going well for us. We are experiencing awesome things and growing together in ways I hadn't anticipated. I'm excited for what's going to happen next.
3. My family. I love them. Whenever I think about them I get excited. It's hard to be so far away, but we'll be living close again soon.
3 Fears...
1. Not being able to be pregnant and have babies. It's always been something I've been afraid of, not really sure why. I guess other than I really want to experience it, and I would be sad if I couldn't.
3. I am afraid of my spot being touched and being claustrophobed (if that's a word). If you know about the spot you know that I freak out when it's touched, and I do a huge freak out when I'm pinned down and it's touched. That's when major claustrophobia hits. Joe loves this game.
3 Current Obsessions/Collections...
1. Before I got my job I was obsessing about painting and stenciling. I painted two canvases and then didn't do anymore. I still want to get into it, I just don't take the time to do it. One day soon I'll make some awesome art.
2. Losing weight. I don't know if it's quite an obsession, I'm not starving myself yet, but I am sick of being fat. I've lost weight from my fattest point, but I would like to get back to college weight. Hopefully this year!
3. Getting out of debt! Our goal is to be out this year, but I think it might roll over into February '09, which is ok. I've been obsessing over Dave Ramsey, I started listening to his radio show on my way home from work. Being out of debt would be fantastic!
3 Random/surprising facts about myself...
1. You might be surprised that I feel totally inadequate at work. I feel like I've been making it up as I go along ever since starting at GS. I loved the GS job, and it became really enjoyable to me, almost to where I felt like I was getting the financial business down, but now in Atlanta they might think I know more than I really do :) I'll just keep pretending.
2. I love the Japanese obstacle course shows like Ninja Warrior (it was on G4). A possible American version, Wipeout, is on now, which is fun, not as challenging, but totally funny.
3. I have issues with people touching my stuff. Especially our new house. I'm trying to get over it, hopefully I'll relax soon.
1 comment:
I love learning about you. Your obsessions are so admirible- I should be obsessed with things likt that too.
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